Crucified with Christ - A Reflection on Galatians 2:20
Saint Augustine
The story of St. Augustine, a renowned Christian theologian and philosopher, offers a compelling narrative of profound transformation. It is a story of the journey from a life of self-seeking indulgence to a life wholly devoted to Christ. At the core of his transformation is a truth beautifully encapsulated in Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Before his conversion, Augustine led a life marked by self-fulfillment. He sought after intellectual wisdom in various philosophies, indulged in sensual pleasures, and continually strived to rise in social status. However, despite his worldly successes, he felt a persistent emptiness within him.
Then came the moment of his conversion. In his garden, after hearing a child's voice repeatedly saying, "Take up and read," he picked up a copy of the Epistles of Paul and his eyes fell upon Romans 13:13-14. These words pierced his heart, causing him to renounce his old life and embrace faith in Christ.
As Augustine's life transformed, he came to understand the depth of the meaning of Galatians 2:20. He recognized that he was not simply adding Christ to his old life but was instead replacing his old self with a new creation, born of God's spirit. His former self, with its sinful desires and self-ambitions, was crucified with Christ. This wasn't a mere religious obligation or a path to moral improvement, but a transformative encounter with the living Christ.
The "I" who lived was no longer the Augustine who sought worldly wisdom and pleasures, but Christ who lived within him. This was a radical re-orientation of his life. Every ambition, every decision, and every action was now driven by the indwelling Christ. His intellectual pursuits were now for understanding God and his scriptures; his passions were channeled towards loving God and his people. He lived not for his glory but for the glory of Christ, who loved him and gave himself for him.
Augustine's transformation reminds us of the transformative power of the Gospel. When we truly understand Galatians 2:20, we recognize that following Christ isn't about religious adherence or moral improvement, but a life-altering surrender to Christ. We die to our old self—our sinful desires, our selfish ambitions—and in place, Christ lives within us. This changes everything about how we live. Our lives become oriented around Christ and his mission. Our pursuits become about pleasing him. We live, not by our strength or wisdom, but by faith in the Son of God.
Embrace this transformation today. Surrender your old self and let Christ live in you. Let your life be driven by Christ and his love for you. As you live this reality daily, you'll experience a joy and fulfillment that the world can never offer.
The same Christ who lived in Augustine, who transformed his life from self-seeking to God-seeking, lives in you. Will you let him transform your life today?
Prayer for the Day
Father, I worship You today for Your immeasurable love and infinite wisdom. You are a God of transformation and renewal. You took my place on the cross, putting my sinful nature to death, so that I might live with You and for You.
Lord, I confess that I often fall back into my old patterns, living for myself instead of You. I acknowledge that I struggle to fully embrace the truth that it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
Thank you, Jesus, for the life I now live by faith in you. I'm so grateful that you loved me so much that you gave yourself up for me. Thank you for the transformation that your love and grace bring into my life every day.
Holy Spirit help me to live out the truth of Galatians 2:20 in my life daily. Let me die to myself and my desires, and live for Christ. Help me to live by faith in Jesus who loved me and gave Himself for me. Let this truth transform every aspect of my life – my relationships, my decisions, my actions. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Reflection Questions
Reflecting on this devotional and Galatians 2:20, what insights have you gained about the nature of God and His profound love that led Him to sacrifice His Son for us?
Considering the transformative power encapsulated in Galatians 2:20, how does this scripture challenge you to reorient your life around Christ and live by faith in Him rather than by your own efforts or desires?
Faith Challenge
This week, let's live out Galatians 2:20 in a tangible way. Each morning, take a moment to surrender your day to Christ, inviting Him to live through you. Throughout the day, whenever you face decisions or challenges, pause and consider what it would look like to respond in faith, trusting Christ who lives in you. At the end of the day, reflect on how this practice influenced your actions and attitudes.